Sunday, April 20, 2008

Wedding Bells

For those of you who know Rivon Kellis, she got married yesterday! Here are the bride and groom. She's a teddy bear and he's a wolf. Rivon is now Rivon Wolff - hence the wolf. I should have taken a picture of the actual bride and groom but they weren't available when I had my camera out. Needless to say, Rivon was smiling ALL day long - and probably all night long too!!! Cheers to the new couple!


Kari said...

I really like that you took a pic of the stuffed animals but not of the actual people haha. It's weird that she's not rivon kellis anymore! I think I'll still call her that...

Pierce and Stacy said...

Yeah, I agree. Rivon Kellis. She will always be that to me. If you find any pictures of her, let me know because I want to see them.