Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The ReMARKable 5k run,walk & roll

Ok, here's the update to my blog. I tried to post a picture from the internet of this event so I can show you what was going on but I'm not savy enough to do it. (if you should want to see any pictures. Our youth conference is included in the photos)

As alot of you know, Mark Evans was serverly hurt on his motorcycle last April when a lady ran a red light and hit him. He's now paralyzed from the chest down. So, Karen Spitzer and I decided to organize a 5k run to raise money for the Evans family.

It turned out to be THE EVENT if I don't say so myself!!! We had around 400-450 runners, music, tons of food, 40+ door prizes, and we rasised..........(can you hear the drum rolls here?)......$50,030!!!! We did have an annoymous donner who gave $20,000 so without that generous check, we still made $30,000. AWESOME! was about 26 degrees here that morning. They still came to run. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it all. THANK YOU to all who helped!


Kari said...
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Kari said...
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Kari said...
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Kari said...

Oh my gosh this picture is my favorite. Look at Garrett's legs, then the kid's on the right.

is a link to it.

The Piersons said...

Wendy, you guys are so neat! That is such a wonderful thing you did. I am so happy it turned out so well.