Sunday, March 30, 2008


I am a very lucky girl!
My very nice brother, Mike,
and sister in law, Carol Ann
invited me to join them
in Kauai w/6 others. FUN!

The 3 Stooges. I think the place
behind is called "Bali High" where
they filmed "South Pacific"
Not sure but it sounds good.

We kayaked to this swing.
You'd climb up a tree and jump
off. Ahhhahah (tarzan yell)

This is Monica and me with the
can of cheese she smuggled into
the water to lure the fish to us.

Notice the water bottle in the
air. Nice throw!


Kari said...

gosh, I wish someone took ME to hawaii.

Pierce and Stacy said...

Didn't you JUST go on a cruise Kari?! Wendy, it looks like you had a ton of fun! You look great by the way.

Travis and Joy said...

Wendy! You look so great and it looks like you had such a nice trip. I can't wait to go in a couple months. I love your page. Hope all is going well with you.