Monday, November 12, 2007

Spicin' Up

Ok, Kelly says my blog needs spicing up. Well....I need to spice up my life so I can write about something!!

Let's see....I had lunch today with 5 friends because one of us turned 60! Ouch!
(Marcy is the ole gal)

We have no Thanksgiving plans yet. Dennis thought it was later in the month so he is currently flying. Bummer. Ryan wants to go to the Dallas Cowboy game that day. So, who knows, I might be flying to Utah to hang out with you folks!

Well, I need to go do the EXCITING job of "clothes folding." I hope this latest blog has been spicy!!


Kari said...

Very spicy. At least it's something. Keep it up!

Sean Lorscheider said...

Looks like you're becoming a pro!! A few thousand more posts and you'll have it all!!!

Tate Family said...

Spicier...good do you know your plans yet? Take it Kari's in Utah this year??