Sunday, April 27, 2008

Brandon's Garden

As most of you know, Brandon marched to a different drummer. Well, he had a "thing" for growing cacti. He researched how to grow them and would get cacti cuts from wherever via the mail and would plant them in my pots. He would come over and make sure they were getting whatever they needed to grow. The cacti are still here and after every one of our HUGE Texas storms, I go out back to see if they survived, and sure enough, they're hanging in there. Now, Dennis and I smile when we see them. It's nice to have little rememberances here and there.


Kari said...

How big were they when they started? You are using cactus as plural. You're losing it.

Travis and Joy said...

This is such a cute story, and I loved the pictures you put up for his birthday. I hope you're doing well during this time. Thank you so much for the sweet comment you left on my page. Take it easy.