Friday, December 7, 2007

Happy Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to Ryan & me,
Happy Birthday to Ryan & me,
Haapy Biirrthdaay dear Ryyan & me,
Haaapy Birrtthdaay tooooo us!

Yep, it's our birthdays today. Ryan is an old man at 30, which makes me ANCIENT!

This is a pic from last year. I'll have to get one later when we have our cake so I can update this fantastic blog.


Peter said...

I thought your BD was the 8th? Hence your greeting was posted today at

wendy said...

Actually, I sang that song to myself as I typed after midnight so I have no idea why it said it was the 7th. Oh well.....

Grandma Duffy said...

I am so sorry I didn't get you called. I thought of it all week and then the day comes and i forget until it is too late to call. Another "senior moment". Sorry! Hope you had a great day! Love you!

Sean Lorscheider said...

Happy belated birthday to "the old one" and "the ancient one"!!!